I will never give up — or at least I won’t give up until I’m down to the last 30 emails. Before I dive into that, though, I want to encourage any conservative woman to consider joining the National Federation of Republican Women. You can find your local chapter here, and then connect with conservative women (and their husbands or other interested family members) in your community.
Funnily enough, when you think about it, conservatives used to be joiners. They joined the Masons, and the Elks, and the Shriners, and the Kiwanis, and they were active in community politics. When did conservatives get chased away from community political organizations? Or is my view warped because I grew up in the Bay Area? Please weigh in on this one. I’m interested.
This is an old post from Doug Powers chastising Democrat media hack Joe Klein for insisting as late as the end of November that Benghazi was nothing more than a bad movie review run amok. It makes for interesting reading in light of Hillary’s prevarications before the Senate today. Here’s what Hillary knows: It doesn’t matter what she knew or what she did regarding Benghazi. If she’s still the media’s darling in 2016, the subject will be buried so deep you can’t even smell it. And if she’s not the media’s darling (as happened to her in 2008) nothing matters anyway, because they’ll work to elect her Democrat-rival. In other words, there’s no downside to lying, bobbing, and weaving.
Going through my emails reminded my that, with the gun debate raging, I was terribly remiss not to direct you to Stately McDaniel Manor. Its proprietor, Mike McDaniel, is a blogger who could readily enter any “most knowledgeable about guns” contest. Add to that knowledge a lovely writing “voice,” a sharp and informed mind, and a stinging wit, and . . . well, I need to be beaten around the head for a while for hiding him from you. However, on the principle that, when it comes to the important factual and ideological stuff, it’s never too late, I’d like to recommend his “A good day for children.”
Speaking of my smart friends, have you bought your copy of Laer Pearce’s Crazifornia: Tales from the Tarnished State – How California is Destroying Itself and Why it Matters to America yet? I know it’s about California, but with four more years of Obama to come, it’s also a good preview of coming attractions for the rest of America. Would I sound hysterical if I said “be afraid; be very afraid”?
One can always tell when a society has gotten too successful: non-procreational sexuality comes to the fore. Because we are rich, we have the luxury of onanism (isn’t that a nice, old-fashioned world) and homosexuality, two practices that have no place in a society where the next generation must be born to keep the current generation from starving. Which leaves one with a question: when America collapses financially, and our reproductive rate is too low to replace the producers, will gay rights vanish? Will gays vanish? As to that second, I’d say that “practicing” gays will vanish. There will be too much societal pressure (assuming some sort of coherent society) to allow for it.
Whew! I’m down to 110 emails and still finding plenty of good stuff. I’ve got to be a mom, though, so I’ll leave you with one picture, and continue this intellectual smorgasbord later today, or perhaps first thing tomorrow.
I got this from a friend who freely confesses that he doesn’t know where the data came from. I don’t either. But it sure looks good: